Images from the Tecumseh (Ohio) High School
Class of 1970 30-year Reunion held on 1 July 2000.
If you have reunion pictures to share be sure to send them to me and
I'll be happy to post them here.
We got to vote in the New
Carlisle Middle School mascot!!
Remember the sundial in front of New
Carlisle Elementary??
Kind of forlorned looking
these days.
Are there STILL peanut butter sandwiches in
those walls??
Preparing for the grand tour.
Dateline: Forgy Station, OH.
YO, this way ...
At the AMVETs Hall.
Bus stop??
A picture of Jim Leathley
Non-stop Bus Stop.
THS reps from the southeast ...
"C'mon, you remember Darryl"
Sneaking up on Eve Gray and Tom.
Dare to disco ...
Catching up on all those years ...
Denise (Svendsen) Bockelman
Sharon's limey salute and Jim's, uhhhh, butt.
"You can only let one more person
Bill Ryan
Girls gotta dance!
Mark Waters and Denise (Svendsen)
Please send caption
suggestions to me at
Who says Jim is camera shy? Put him on a John
Deere tractor in his shorts and let him pull a Piper Cub down Main Street and he doesn't
mind one little bit who's aiming a camera his direction!
Thanks to Class of 70 alumni Richard Dick
(Darryl Dick, Dick Dick, whatever) for capturing this unique sight!! Who says
there's no such thing as UFOs?
The owner of this website is NOT responsible if
someone steals a copy of this picture and puts it on HBO's Dennis Miller Live next season!